6.30.04: Fore!
Today Breakpoint City turns four years old (three and-a-half if you don't count the under-the-radar/without promotion days of Tripod.) Year three was excellent... I can't believe the rate at which the community is growing. For those of you who stuck around after the hiatuses last fall, thanks for keepin' the faith ;) Couldn't have done it all without you guys out there reading every week! Anyway, here's to year four and continued success!
As a little community experiment, I got us one of those Guestmap things from Bravenet. I'm amazed every time I get a new reader anywhere from halfway across the country to the other side of the world. I figured this would be an interesting way to gauge where in the world Breakpoint is being read. Yes, there's a few ads on the site (we used to have an EZ Board... I think we can handle this,) and for the uber paranoid, you don't have to include an e-mail address with your post. If anyone knows of a better Guestmap service, send me an e-mail.
6.26.04: Brian got Gmail
UPDATE: Wow, that was quick! In case you were wondering what was up with the graffiti in today's comic, I was just paying back Glutnix for hooking me up with Gmail! He's got (several) cool websites everyone should check out, namely Webfroot. Thanks, man!
I've updated the contact page with a flash app that will hopefully prevent spamdroids from harvesting my new address. I hope. It uses some fancy coding, so we'll see. If you can't get it to work, mail break point city (one word) at my Hotmail account instead of Gmail!
6.23.04: Waffle Paper
Due to popular request (read: someone e-mailed me about it,) I've added a few more resolutions of Waffledog wallpaper. Pick your poison:
1600 x 1200
--> 1280 X 1024
--> 1280 X 960
1152 x 864
1024 x 768
800 x 600
320 x 240
6.11.04: Results are in!
After much deliberation and procrastination, I have picked the winning names in the "Name These Characters" contest!
Please welcome into our cast Milo the Cat and Cecil Schroedinger!
(Cecil suggested by Nick Ball, Schroedinger suggested by Randi Worhatch, Milo first suggested by Aaron Cherof)
Cecil is Milo's owner, effectively making Milo... wait for it... Schroedinger's Cat. Science nerds everywhere, rejoice :)
Thanks to everyone who suggested a name: Scott, Randi, Toasty, Charles, Nick, Rich, Patrick, Ryan, RouJoumis, Tails128, Rick, Maudi, Reynard, Sharon, Gordon, Acero, Y (Ruler of Time,) Simon, Matt, Aaron, Joshua, Stephen Slaboda (whom also came up with Milo,) Eliot, and anyone else I've not included in this list.
5.26.04: Back from Sick Bay.
Hey group! Sorry to keep you waiting for today's comic. As soon as I got home from Rochester, I caught a really nasty bug. I feel like I've lost a whole week-- spent the week alternating between high fevers and a medicine-induced zombie-like state. So yeah; finishing the comic last night was not high on my priority list.
But I really hope that you are here and you ARE reading this... because this is the start of the new storyline! One of which I'm REALLY looking forward to, and seeking your comments on! Stay tuned for more... this is gonna be an interesting summer!
5.15.04: Brian Not Found
Sorry to have to do this, but it's gonna have to be filler week as I work on Final Projects. The good news is that I'll be updating every single day with something new, and I should be back with a new storyline next Saturday. BE THERE!!
4.26.04: Name These Characters
Ever think your opinion doesn't matter? Well, you're WRONG! You could have in your very head the perfect names for these two characters at the right! All you need to do is get on the forum and post them! Or e-mail me, I suppose. There are several great suggestions out there, but I'm open to hearing some more!
4.13.04: Thought of something. Here goes:
Lab Monkeys. A game I'm working on. You know you want to play it.
3.12.04: Dan the Dog: Spokesanimal
I go to school at the Rochester Institute of Technology, or RIT. I make fun of the college on a regular basis, but I might not be able to anymore if they keep being so nice to me.
You see, my roommate is an animation major, and his department (the School of Film and Animation) sends out several varieties of postcards to prospective students. These postcards feature student work on their covers, and lo and behold, Dan is featured on one of the designs!
Here's the original animation, in case you haven't seen it yet.
This is an honor, sure. Thing is... I'm not IN the animation department. I'm in the School of Design and Imaging, doing graphic-arts/web design stuff. I only took one course through the other department, so I guess that's how they got it. Pretty cool that promoting a department of which I am not currently enrolled in :D
Just wish I knew about it sooner! So, anyone out there who wants a postcard featuring Dan the Dog, drop by RIT's animation department and pick one up!
3.9.04: Website update
Slight change to the website. Gonna change a few things in the next few weeks... look for gradual changes here and there ;) 12.14.03 Snowed In
Man alive, we're getting hit over here in Rochester. The snow's not the worst I've seen since in recent years, but just the fact that winter's here again is reason to mope about it. Meh... I should have looked at schools in Miami.
12.6.03 Back to two on Wednesday
After a week of headaches and forcing myself into closed classes, I've finally got my winter schedule worked out. That said, Breakpoint City should be back to its "normal" schedule by Wednesday. I've been working on a few small things around the site, so keep your eyes open for new content ;)
11.8.03 State of the Comic
My fellow Breakpoint readers,
Oh, all right. Enough of that. I couldn't keep that presidential schtick going for several paragraphs. Hello, welcome. Well, it looks like October has become one of my worst months in terms of making comics. Last year was one thing, but this is ridiculous. Guess this Haloween storyline isn't going to wrap up until December, but that was my plan all along, I suppose. It appears that I'm not the only webcomic author who has fallen upon difficult times in recent weeks, so I can at least take some comfort in knowing I'm not alone in my troubles of keeping up to date. If this keeps up, I might be tempted to post my projects in lieu of actual content...
College has been really rough this fall. I'm starting to wonder if I'm in the right major; the stuff I'm doing isn't as interesting as it used to be a year or two ago. Then again, maybe I'm jaded from the workload. This is the fourth quarter in a row that I've been taking the maximum number credit hours, but this time around the classes are much more demanding. Every night there's some major project that I have to get done to stay afloat. Luckilly the winter quarter appears to be a lot less hectic, but time will tell...
Everything will be okay, just needed to vent a little. Don't worry, I'm not going on hiatus or quitting or anything. I'll keep updating as much as I can and just play it by ear.
See, this is why I need a blog. I have no place else to rant. Okay, enough personal stuff... time for the other news:
- I've been thinking about ways to generate a little income from the site. Other than usual PayPal buttons, I've come up with a fairly interesting idea: Breakpoint City books! Still ironing out the details on this, so look for more info later in the month. (insert evil grin)
- Ben sighting over at NeTrek! Thanks, Simon!
10.8.03 It's that Time Again
With a new year of college brings back everyone's favortie excuse for lateness: Muh-Muh-Muh-Midterms. Y'see, unlike other sane colleges, RIT's on a 10-week quarterly shedule. This essentially means that there'll be either a midterm or a final exam once every five or six weeks. Ouch. But rest assured there will be a comic out later today or tomorrow, once I cease being as nervous as a California Democratic voter. Oh look, I'm being topical. Har har.
Oh, and in other news... Bad Dog! Bad! No biscuit!
9.30.03 Server a-go-go
Suddenly, there was no website. There was no comic called Breakpoint City, or...
oh, wait. Keenspace was just down.
Sorry, my bad. There was a website after all.
9.15.03 Important, Life Changing Newspost!
Hey group! Thanks for waiting while I got settled into my apartment here at school. Classes are in session and everything is back to it's normal pace again, which means I'll have midterms in a short three or four weeks ;) The fun never stops here at RIT.
Anyway, since everyone's been so nice waiting for the comic to come back from hiatus, I've decided to update a little earlier this week. While Wednesday's comic will be up at it's usual time, I'm going to post Saturday's comic a day earlier. So to clarify:
Come back this Friday for a special edition of Breakpoint City!
You'll be glad you did!
While I'm kind of glad the summer storyline is over, I was amazed at the response to Sofia's blue hair. I can't remember the last time I ever received this much response about one subject...you guys seemed to really dig the new look. Thanks to everyone who e-mailed me: Joshua, Edwin, Mark, Matt, and Scott. The blue hair was going to be a major plot point in the storyline, but I decided to end the episode early. I would have felt weird doing a summer storyline that stretched out until the end of October. Anyway, expect the hair color to return eventually... with this much positive response, it's bound to pop up again soon.
Oh, and one more thing I've been meaning to mention: Mort's first speaking role! Thanks, Darrell! Be sure to keep an eye on his webcomic, Lunchtable. It's looking very cool so far... :)
8.22.03 Ramble Ramble...
Hmm... I'm not happy with where the spotlight box is. The column is too
narrow to have a long paragraph of text. I might re-organize the main page
later next week, so watch out.
Been trying out my Wacom tablet this week. I've had the thing for a while
now, and I figure it's time I learned how to use it. Saving all that money
on pens and paper would be real nice... heh heh. Problem is that there's a
big learning curve to it; you have to learn how to draw while looking at the
screen instead of the "pad." If anyone out there has a tablet and can point
me in the direction of some tutorials or friendly advice, I'd sure appreciate
I was surprised to see one of my favorite old shareware games from
Windows 3.1 get a modern update: check out MicroMan! Now in more than 16
colors! It's pretty standard platform stuff: run, duck, shoot, and jump
from screen to screen. Now if they only would make an update to Commander
Keen, I'd be a happy gamer.
8.1.03 News Flash!!
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a sign!!
Welcome back, Mr. Milligan!
New links page is up. Got a favorite web
comic you'd like to see spotlighted on Breakpoint City? Check out
this ongoing thread and post your bookmark list!
GOOD LORD!! MORE FAN ART?! You guys are gonna spoil me...
Behold! Dan, in all his animated glory! Thanks, Darrell!
Mysterious artist known only as Nejy has sent in this
awesome Sofia sprite! Will we ever
know this "Nejy's" true identity?!
7.19.03 More Fan Art
A new pic of Sofia,
as drawn by our NEOspace host and author of NeTrek, Simon Shepherd!
Check out his stüff here!
7.9.03 Ramblings
Hey again, group. Hope everyone had a great 4th (or a great weekend
for all of our new foreign visitors.) Mine was a little crazy, but
I survived. Anyway, I have a lot on my mind on the moment, so why
not muse about random things in the news section?
Firstly, I have some cool new wallpaper to offer. Kind of
a simple, blue summer-theme... hope you'll like it!
Choose your flavor: 800 X 600 |
1024 X 768 | 1152 X 864
Got some more fan comics! This time from Scott over at
Take a look at it here!
Missed taping MST3K this weekend. And it was a good one, too...
"The Final Sacrifice" with ROSDOWER!! D'oh! Shoot, I hope
Sci-Fi runs it again before they take the whole show off the network.
I need to tape that and "Time Chasers," the one with the time-traveling
plane and the irate minutemen.
Stopped by Grudge-Match.com today, the site that pits two pop-culture
figures against each other and lets the public determine the winner.
This week's match-up looks very interesting... The entire cast of
Saturday Night Live versus the cast of Monty Python. Read the funny
commentary and vote. Spam.
I'm working on some new site-related stuff. Got a totally-redone
links page, new fake ads are in the works. Be on the lookout... ;)
7.7.03 But WAIT! There's more!
Scene deconstruction is up! Check it out
In addition to the giant cameo-deal, here's some
fan art I got from Darrell
"Lunchtable" Stark:
An almost dead-on drawing of Ben... eeriely close, man.
And a fancomic to boot! Thanks, Darrell!
7.1.03 Happy Three!
Wow... it's Tuesday already? Geez! Sorry about
the sudden down time here, group. It was just one of those weekends,
you know? Nothing went right. I wasn't happy with my artwork,
Photoshop kept crashing, and I re-worked and re-edited
this poor comic strip over and over until I came up with this. Ah well,
at least it's out of my hair for now. Thanks for waiting, everyone.
I'll make it up to you this week.
Anyway, this is the start of Birthday week here! Yessir, Breakpoint
City is officially three years old today! Woo! I can't belive how far
I've gone from my early days on Tripod to where I am now; the art,
writing, characters... God knows what this comic is going to look
like in another year or two ;) The much-anticipated cameo comic will
be up on Friday, so be on the look out! I might have some bonus stuff
up on the site this week as well, so keep an eye on the news here!
6.26.03 O_o
::Waves hi to Mr. A::
6.18.03 Change of Plans
Attention all webcomic authors and BPC readers:
In the last newspost, I put out a request for
fancomics to help celebrate Breakpoint City's third anniversary.
After some thought, I've decided to change plans here a little bit.
While I'll still accept any fan comics that come my way, I have
come up with a better idea...
That's right, I'm taking requests for people who want their characters cameo'ed in a special comic
to commemorate Breakpoint City's third anniversary! The comic will be
in simmilar style to
this one I did durring the Obvious Parody storyline.
We're open to everybody who's interested (or at least everyone I can
fit into a page,) whether you've already had a cameo in Breakpoint
or not. I'm doing this to thank all you guys for sticking around with
my little sci-fi spoof comic! All cameos will be credited and linked
to, so you'll get some publicity out of this as well!
This is your big chance! Sign up by posting in the forums or sending
me an e-mail.
Let me know where to find your comic strip at, and if there's a specific
character you'd like to see me draw. I'm limiting this to only one character
per person/comic, though you might be lucky and get two ;) Deadline
will be the 26th of June, so don't delay!!
6.13.03 Working
Hey group!! Sorry for the crazy schedule as of recent;
I've been really busy behind the scenes here.
Anyway, I've got a huge list of stuff I want to do over the summer
when I get the chance, including making an updated version of this website.
The current one has too many individual images for my tastes; loads
too slowly over the phone modem I have here at home. I also might be
introducing the first wave of Breakpoint City merchandise soon; keep
tuned here for details in the next week or two.
Also in a few weeks will be Breakpoint City's third aniversary!
I don't know if I'll be able to celebrate as usual with a week's worth
of updates, so I'm thinking about turning it over to you guys. If anyone
is interesting in participating in a fan comic week, let me know!
I'll pretty much post anything you guys send me: fan comics, fan art,
doodles on napkins, anything so long as it's in good taste and somehow
relates to Breakpoint City (comics don't have to follow the storyline.)
They'll be posted the week of the 29th, on days between the usual
Wednesday and Saturday updates (hahaha... "usual") Deadline is the
27th of this month, so get working! And if you're seriously
considering drawing something for me, drop me an
email to clue me in. Thanks!
5.15.03 Greetings from the Void
I'm here. I'm alive. I'm just really burried in work for the moment.
Expect updates to resume on Friday or Saturday, and more in the
following week (the beginning of summer vacation for me!) I'm not
quite ready to begin the next storyline, but I have a ton of unused
one-shot scripts I wanted to use over the past two weeks but never
had the time to draw. We'll get caught up one way or another! Anyway, on
to the news:
Breakpoint City is now a full-fledged member pick at
Thanks to all who've voted for us! The site just went through a major
upgrade over the weekend! Comic listings now have thumbnail images
on it, bringing back memories of the old BigPanda directory. Saddly,
the "visits" are no longer listed, but they're still tallied. To vote
for me, you have to first become a member, but for those who don't
have the time, just click on the link back to the site to increase my
hit number. Thanks again!
Sean Boyle, the guy who does Darkbolt, hit a milestone a few weeks
ago by reaching 200 issues (would have been a week sooner had I not screwed
everything up... sigh.) He's updated the design of his site and
really wants your feedback, so be sure to stop on by! I'm hoping to
get some fanart for him done this week, but until then, take a look
at this:
These were the original versions of the comics before I edited them.
I didn't wan't Sean to beat me up for killing his characters in my strip,
so I decided to take out the cameos. But when he saw the originals and
loved them, I eventually decided to put them back as they were. Besides,
if Sean tries anything, I can run real fast. I think.
Apparently I'm getting a ton of hits every month, but for the wrong
reasons. People are "leeching" comics and images off this site without
my permission... mostly the Hacky Sack and Yoda pics from the art page.
I decided to take some of these pictures off the site; at least for a while.
I don't mind if you use Breakpoint City images as forum avatars or anything,
but in the future, please don't link to them from Keenspace!
4.1.03 April Fools 2K3
In keeping with the age-old internet tradition of swapping comics on
April 1st, Breakpoint City is proud to bring you this year's April
Fool's Special! This year Sean Boyle over at Darkbolt was kind
enough to participate with me. I went a little overboard
and did three pages for him... why, you may ask? Well...
- Sean always updates every week with multiple pages at once,
unlike most comics on the 'net. So one comic just wouldn't be right.
- I actually know the guy. Sean was my former programming professor
here at RIT, and this is my one big chance to poke fun at him :)
- I came up with too many ideas, and I'm an indecisive freak. So,
three pages it is!
So thanks again to Sean for taking part this year! And if you
haven't read Darkbolt yet,
what's wrong with you?! The archives make for a great read! His
writing style is way much better than mine... I'm going to have
to try this "continuity" thing some day!
And don't forget to post on his Yahoo Group, too!
3.30.03 Updates
Just as an act of public service, I'll be updating a day early this
week just to get that picture of He-Who-Shall-Not-be-Named off of my
front page. Essh.
Well, that's the end of "Sequel." Got any comments? Post them to the
message board! Not much else going on here... the weather's been nice
this week, which is surprising for Rochester this time of year. It
was almost up to 60 the other day! Can you belive it?! Well, naturally,
we're due to get snowed upon Monday, so I better enjoy it while it lasts.
See you all back here on Tuesday!
3.13.03 Things to do List
Hey everyone!! I figured it's been a while since I updated the old
news column. We just finished the first week of new classes here at
school, so things are getting back to their normal pace. I'm trying
to fit in an extra update into my schedule so I can get caught back up
with comics... keep checking the news here for details.
The big story around here is, of course, the new forums. Yes, you heard
right... no more half-page ads, no more pop-ups, and most importantly,
no risk of getting one of those nasty parasite programs. Thanks to the
rockin' people over at the NightStar Zoo for hosting!
The only bad thing about the switch? Now I have to change all the
links on every page. I knew I should have made this stupid site
dynamic. I invite everyone out there to stop on by and say hello!
The Pointless Poll has ended... thanks to everyone who voted! The results
were very surprising... not that I'm surprised that Florble Hroonga won,
but that 49 of you voted out there! Save for one or two cases of multiple
voting, that's a BIG jump in responses compared to previous votes!
All the more reason to get caught back up with comics, I suppose!
Looking over my site, I noticed several pages are horribly out of date...
look for parts of the "FAQ," "Cast Bios," "About," and "Links" pages
to go through some major updates in the following weeks. I just
acquired Flash MX, so it would be neat to see if I can make some sort
of animated Cast page. Ve vil see...
2.17.03 Yessir. It's finals.
Guess I was correct about being late this past week due to finals...
sorry about all that. Looks like this week won't be any different from
the last, either; I've got three big project due this week along with
two major tests to study for. I'll see what I can do, though. Keep
your fingers crossed.
The voting tube will remain up until Wednesday-ish, so if you haven't
voted, make sure you do! I consider it one of the most important
questions I've ever asked the Breakpoint City audience. Looks like
30 of you out there seem to agree, too :)
Well, in other news, I'm going to be turning twenty on Thursday;
a fact of which I still haven't gotten through my head. Somehow my
brain keeps rejecting this bit of information. I mean... 20??
That can't be right. By my count I should be at least, I dunno, 17
or something? I can't be 20! I haven't even been an angst-filled
teenager yet! I have less than a week left to complain to my parents
about stuff and roll my eyes at various people! All this time...
wasted! Nooooo!
Heh, don't worry... I'll be fine.
2.6.03 News from other Webcomics
First of all, Darrell M. Stark,
who's character was cameoed in a strip a few weeks back, has apparently
returned the favor with not one but
cameo strips of his own! Check his site out, everyone! So commands Zaltor!
Just a sidenote: The OnlineComics.net link up there will now take
you to my site listing, where you can either click to add
to my hit total, or vote for my comic if you're a member (and thanks to
the six people who have voted for me! I don't know who you all are,
but you guys ROCK!)
Not much else going on here at RIT. It's getting closer and closer to
week 10, which means final projects are beginning to crop up everywhere.
I've been pretty good so far this quarter with managing my time to
update the ol' comic strip. But just know that if I slip up this
month, odds are it's because I'm knee deep in some eight-page paper
or group project. Not that I plan on it or anything ;)
1.31.03 Animation Fun
In case you missed it:
Check this out...
a 15 second Breakpoint City flash animation I had to do for a class over the
Here's some new wallpaper featuring the
test pattern from the previous comic!
1.27.03 Back in control
In case you were stuck under a large, unmovable object since last Wednesday,
Keenspace moved to a new server. Hence, the Keen-wide outage of comics.
The site came back online early yesterday, but I still wasn't able to
request an update until ten minutes ago. Well, if you haven't already,
be sure to
catch up! Thanks to the kind folks out there who got everything
back to normal (Nate Stone, Kisai, and Kelly Price!)
Oh, and Saturday's comic would have been a lot funnier had it showed up
right when Keenspace re-launched, like it was supposed to.
Sorry. Darned AutoKeen...
1.11.03 OnlineComics.net
Yes, we've joined another voting thing, but this is different.
Anyone remember BigPanda.org? Well, apparently this site took it's
url over, and while no site will ever be as slick as 'Panda was, it's
definitely the best online comic directory out there. Anyway, I set it
up so you can vote for BPC by clicking that button up
there. Remember, you can only vote once per computer. I don't
know if the list resets every month or not, but be sure to at least
vote once to make this cartoonist happy. Also, if you have nothing
better to do, go to the main OnlineComics.net page and click on my
link there to drive up that hits counter! 'kay?
UPDATE: Argh... Looks like you have to be a member to vote.
Well, at least you can go there and increase my "hits" totals.
1.5.03 False Alarm
Now that I've scared everyone away from the message boards, I did some
further research into that parasite problem. It turns out that we
didn't get it from the forums but from a program called Gator, which
was included with some freeware I downloaded. A run of Ad-Aware got
rid of it, and so far, nothing has been able to infect the computer.
So, I repeat: THE FORUMS ARE SAFE. I'll still be looking for
new forums, but please,
do not hesitate to post there!! Hint hint.
1.1.03 State of the Forum
Happy New Year, everyone!
All right, listen up, folks. The parasite-problem is currently being
sorted out by the guys over at EZboard, but regardless, we will be
leaving EZboard shortly. Here's some of the forum options I've found
and other options my readers have suggested:
Install my own board
This is my favorite option so far. What I'd need to do is ask the powers
that be (i.e. the RIT Computer Science department) to expand my personal
RIT webspace by a few megs. Then I could install a board like YABB,
or an ikonBoard like the one
Commander Kitty has. No ads, no pop ups, nothing except 100% forum
goodness. I'd just need to figure out how to set up the darn thing.
And have webspace to put it up. Meh...
Join the Nice
Something I want to do anyway, since they always seem to organize all
those April-Fools and Halloween events with ease while I scramble for
any partners I can find. But apparently with joining the Nice you
also get a cool little forum, too. I think this comic is good enough
to be part of The Nice, but it's really up to Terrence and the rest
of those guys to decide.
Chat Area
The guys at Background Radiation
suggested this forum for me. It looks virtually identical to what
EZBoard was two years ago-- just banner ads. Yet it also makes me
think that it might evolve into what EZboard is today. But for
now, it might be a great alternative.
Yahoo Group
Does everyone have a Yahoo account? Huh? No?
Keenspace Ugly Forums
Only if I have to.
Well, there's the options. Got an opinion? Lemme know about it!
Oh, in other news, I got some fan art from a very very loyal fan, Nejy.
It's up on the art page... go take a look!
12.23.02 I feel much better
Ah, I'm feeling much better now... though I seem to have spread my illness
onto the rest of my family. Well, it's the gift that keeps on giving,
as they say. And hey, I'm almost caught back up with my comics!
Expect another one up tomorrow!
Now, onto the issue with the forums. Today was the final straw, as
my father was browsing the forums and got attacked by this "parasite"
program that hacks your registry and endlessly displays a window for
"free scratch cards;" which won't go away until you hit "I accept."
You have to go into the registry to fix it (click here for the remedy)
but there's no reason why this should happen.
So, I've made up my mind-- I'm leaving EZ Board. I considered moving
several times before, but didn't because I was afraid I'll kill off
the community we have now during the transition. But this is
the final straw... I'd rather have half the community now than have
ads that take up the whole screen and two or three pop-ups per page.
I'll take a look at my options right now, but if you guys have any
suggestions, let me know about them!! In the
meantime, the old forum will still be there, but please, at least
arm yourself
with something
before you go in...
12.20.02 I feel ill
Of course. The instant I publicly declare I'm going to be catching up,
I get the flu. The energy-draining kind. Yeah. But rest assured,
the next comic is verrrrrrry close to being booted out the ol' door.
There's some really special cameos in there, and I want them to be
perfect. You'll see what I mean...
Once this comic is posted, I'm going to be working night and day
to get caught back up. My goal is to be back to the current date
by Christmas. And even then I'll still be working on comics so
that I can have a-- ::gasp:: --lead time! I apologize for the constant
lateness, but hopefully this "operation" will put an end to it for a while.
I have some really good comics coming up, so keep checking back here every day
next week for updates!
If you'll excuse me now, I'm gonna collapse into sleep.
12.3.02 Slight Update
Just a small update. Hardly noticeable, right? Yeah, okay, so the
main page has a fresh coat of holiday-themed paint... hope you like it!
Well, I finally bit the bullet and got the latest versions of
Photoshop and Illustrator, so Breakpoint should be looking a lot cleaner
around the edges in the next few weeks. That, and my wallet will be
a lot lighter in the next few weeks, too. Man, why does Photoshop
have to cost so much? I bet it costs 37 cents to churn out one
of those CDs... Well, Mr. Adobe, I hope you're happy. I just
payed for the eighteenth swimming pool on your personal island.
Anyway, on to the news: last month I joined another Keenspace list,
the formerly titled "Geauga Space," for comics by cartoonists from or
near Geauga County, Ohio. It's since been retitled "N.E.O.Space"
(North East Ohio,) so more cartoonists could join. Thanks for letting
me, a former resident of the area, join you guys! Go check out the
list at the bottom of my links page, or better yet, visit the list
owner's comic at http://netrek.keenspace.com/
Remember that 3D version of Dan the Dog I did around this time last year?
Well, I've improved a lot in twelve months! It's not the final
version, there's still a lot of refining left to do, but it's as close
as I can get to putting one of my characters in the next dimension.
Finally, notice the new poll to your left? Please vote in it!
11.20.02 Not Dead Yet...
Breakpoint City is not dead. Not by a longshot. I know it seems like
whenever I update the news, it's always some excuse for my comic's lateness.
Well, this is no exception. I feel I owe you guys an explanation.
The last quarter of school was particularly rough for me. I dunno,
it just seemed like nothing I did ever went according to plan, including
this. Classes were particularly difficult for some reason, leaving me
with less time to draw. I'm sure I got out of my classes with good grades
and everything, I mean that it was just really demanding on my schedule.
Looking back, I really regret all the missed updates from the month of October...
hopefully now that I'm back home I can get caught up a few weeks.
Though if you want the reason why Breakpoint has been late this past week,
click here. I love my region-free DVD drive :)
If you're still here, thanks for waiting. I'm really excited about
the next storyline; it will introduce some new characters I've been
working on, and generally mix things up for the regulars (which is always good.)
I can't tell yet if the next quarter of school is going to be as
demanding as this one was... so keep an eye on this space if I decide
to change the schedule more drastically.
10.6.02 Might as well make it official
Well, it's midterms here at RIT, and as you probably know, Wednesdays
this quarter have made it very difficult for me to update on time. So
until the quarter is over, I'll be uploading Wednesday's comic on Thursday.
Again, this is only temporary; it should be over with mid-November.
The comics will be seen as Wednesday's comic, so as to keep with what little
constancy I have :) . Keep your eyes on this space; if I can find any
to remedy this situation, I'll let you know.
9.19.02 Netscape and Mozilla
Okay, so now that I'm finally on the speedy RIT server and away from
sluggish dial-up Juno service, I figured I ought to get the latest
versions of IE, Netscape, and that Mozilla thing I've been hearing so
much about. So what I want to know is:
...anyway, I ironed out all my CSS errors and coding problems;
this site should look much better now with anything you use. Next time,
though, let me know if there's any significant problems with the page
so I can fix it!
Moving on, I am aware of the frequent delays this comic's been going
through (though I guess that has been a constant problem since, oh,
say June 2000.) But this quarter in school seems to be taking up
more of my time than any previous ones, especially on Tuesday nights
when I usually draw my Wednesday comic. So, I am looking into *maybe*
altering the schedule. Just a little. I'll let you know soon what my
plan is.
Oh, and the art page has been updated with two new pictures and three
"lost comics!" Go there now!
8.22.02 Interview
Sorry about the delay, again. I was in Ames, Iowa this past week; which,
if you look at a map, is litterally in the middle of nowhere. No,
serriously, I was out with my family dropping off my brother at the
beautiful Iowa State campus; so good luck to him there.
Anyway, in other news, I did an
interview for posey.keenspace.com
this past week, which can be read
here. And be sure to check out Candice's other work on the site as well!
As you may know from the Newshounds site, Spambots are attacking Keenspot
relentlessly. To combat this, I've re-introduced the e-mail page
and equiped it with an Anti-Spam script. If the script doesn't work
for you, send me a message at "breakpointcity at hotmail dot com"
8.6.02 The Gravity of this situation
Long time readers (all three of you) may remember April Fool's Day 2001
when I swapped comics with D.J. Coffman of "Gravity" fame. Well,
what you don't know is that the version I put up was
not his original work. I decided to edit the comic a little, because
at the time Breakpoint City was still a school project, and I didn't
want to risk getting a bad grade for... erm... questionable content.
I felt bad about the edit, especially after drawing my admittedly
cruel April Fool's comic for him. Well, today I thought I'd finally right my
wrong. The original has been restored! Now, before you get your hopes
up, the comic isn't wildly offensive, shocking, or anything.
However, it is funnier now, and shows you what kind of humor D.J.
uses outside of kid-friendly "Gravity."
According to D.J.'s website, Gravity is currently on hold, but he has
many other projects going on for you to take a look at, including
his "Monkey Man" comic book. So be sure to go over there!
7.30.02 Disney's Back to the Future
I suppose it's about time I posted something... I've been back from
"vacation" for quite some time now. Anyway, last weekend's comic
is finally up. I re-uploaded a larger version after hearing some
complaints that the text was difficult to read.
Oh, and before I forget again, I did a guest comic a few weeks
ago for fellow Keenspace comic
"Drawing a Blank." So, be sure to go over there and
check it out!
And tell 'em Breakpoint sent you! ...Or just check it out. It's up to you.
7.5.02 Vacation.
Well, I'm going to be gone for the next week or so... so anyone
who tries to reach me on the forum or thru e-mail won't be
getting a response from me for a while... But don't worry,
new comics will upload as normal (I worked ahead for once!)
Also, sometime next week, my CCA award presentation will hit the web...
look for it here sometime
on Monday.
See you later!!
6.24.02 Two Years!
Well, first of all, I wish to apologize for the severe lateness of
Saturday's comic. I was out of town, thought I could finish it on time,
didn't... etc. Anyway, I hope to make it up to you this week. And now,
onto the news:
Item One:
I got an e-mail from the creator of one of my favorite websites the
other day: Tighe Kirk Lory
of the NESp project! He apparently likes the strip, and has linked
back to us! Allright! Go check out his site, where he chronicles
his attempt to build a fully functional portable game system out of
an old NES control deck (and also one out of an N64.) Portable
nostalgia? Now there's a good idea! By the way, the new link image
is up in the links section now; more to follow...
Item Two:
The cast of Breakpoint City is pleased to announce that they will
be soon presenting an award for the
Cartoonist's Choice Awards! I can't tell you what category, but
I can say that the presentations will be in a week or two. I'll be
sure to direct you to the ceremonies when they begin!
Item Three:
It's almost that time of year again... Breakpoint City is turning two!
And if you remember what I did last year... well, I'm going to try it
again. Yes, I'll be updating somewhat randomly during the week with
new comics. I can't promise anything, but at least try to check in
periodically all this week. New comics might possibly await you!
6.13.02 Apparently, I Updated the Site.
Well, if you're reading this, that hopefully means the new site design
is up and running. I wanted to maintain the original format as best
I could; hopefully this won't confuse anyone familiar with the
original design. E-mail me if you have any comments on the new site
or post on the forums!
2/20/02 Happy
Birthday to me.Yes, today I turn 19 years of age.
I'm going to celebrate by getting little sleep, waking up
early in the morning, and taking a final! sigh...\\
2/2/02 Pointless
Groundhog Day! YEah! 18 days, people, 18 days. Mwahahaha.\\
1/26/02 I'm
that was a long three and a half weeks... Maybe my timing
is just as well, considering Keenspace went through a
major server change, causing every comic on the block to
go haywire. Of course, we're not through it yet, so who
knows what the following weeks will bring.
I didn't get as much done during the break as I wanted.
I'm still behind on comics. I just drew today's within
the last hour. My new webpage design is nothing yet but a
small pile of code on the bottom of my computer. Yes, I'm
writing the new page in pure HTML, so you can all soon ph33r
my L33T HTML skillz... or however you say that in gamer
Oh, and by the way, sites all over the internet have been
running stories that Invader Zim, the witty cartoon show
on Nickelodeon that TV's Frank writes for, has been
canceled. While I won't make any judgements until I see
an oficial press release, I urge all Zim fans out there
to check out this
petition. It may not work, but what the hey? Why
must they cancel every show I like??\\
1/3/02 Break
from Breakpoint... and a call for Fan Comics!
taking a vacation from the comic strip for a while. I've
been getting later and later with these comic strips
every week now, and I just need to sit back and find a
better way to get my work done. I'll be taking this time
off to do some re-evaluation of the comic strip. New
characters, new looks for exsisting characters, new
storylines, new webpages, new whatever! I'll be working
behind the scenes here for while, so the site won't be
too dead.
Anyway, I thought I'd put a call out for fan comics.
Yeah, I know, it's short notice, but if you'd like to see
your work up here in the form of a fancomic, here's your
window of opporotunity! All I ask is the comics be in
good taste, allright? So send them to me!
I'll be back with new comics in two weeks, I hope. Look
for more updates here in the news or on the boards. Keep
voting!\\
12/30/01 Blambot
You mave
have noticed a large tribute to Blambot today. Well,
while it is true that I won a contest of his, I just felt
it was nessesary to thank Nate the best way I could. And
since I have no money right now, the best way is through
my comic strip. Blambot fonts have been the voice of my
comic strip since day one, and had it not been for Nate,
I'd be using the evil Comic Sans MS. And God knows where
we'd be if we used that font. So thanks, Nate! So, for
all those in need of awesome looking comic book fonts
that don't cost $80 Million like some places I know (cough,
cough, Comiccraft, cough), be sure to visit Blambot!\\
12/11/01 Urban
Renewal of a Different Kind...
Hey all!
I've fixed the main page up. I took down the old voting
tubes, rid the page of any "leeched" link
images and replaced them with some of my own, and trimmed
the new section a bit.
I've been thinking about fixing up a few of the old
comics. No, not like the colorization attempt a few
months back. I mean changing a few of the extra-wide 6
panel comics into extra-tall 6-panel comics. This way,
nobody has to scroll left, something that really bugs
people I've heard. Also, I've been looking over the
rather dull ending to 203, and have decided to make it
funnier and have it make more sense. Look for that soon.
Also, I'd like to ask any readers with gobs of time on
their hands to scan my comics for spelling errors.
Photoshop lacks a spell checker, and although I pull my
text straight from Word, I have been known to let a few
typos slip by. I've been looking into doing my textwork
in Adobe Illustrator, which has a spell check, so this
problem will be smaller in the future. If you would like
to help, go ahead. Let me know what you find!!\\
11/21/01 Concerning
the Future of the Forums
been thinking a lot lately about one of the key features
of my site: the message board. While it's great fun, I
can't help but feel that we're isolating new people from
joining or convincing older regulars (RockerBot, Shay,
etc...) to post, what with our group conversations about
college life, or college football, or whatever. Yes,
we've kept our Hudson group intact, and I see no problem
in that... I want these
kinds of posts to continue! What I mean is we've created
such a group now that only OUR group posts... and that
ain't cool.
But, I am considering splitting the board into two: The
College Discussion Board and the Comic Discussion Board.
The comic area would be a place for anyone, new or old,
to talk about anything they wish, but not so personal and
so group-centered that people would feel left out. You
know, just an average comic forum, something that's more
"public" and open. Now, I don't want to kill
the current board, or it's flow of posts. I want to be
careful not to segregate the two boards in any way, too.
So anyway, if I do get a second board, I also have the
option for a new location. Yeah, EZboard is nice and
customizable, but it has so many pop-ups it can drive you
mad (unless you have a pop-up window stopper, like I do
:) ) My options for new boards include a generic, Keenspace
Forum (powered by UBB). This option seems ideal,
since just about everyone who reads more than one
Keenspace/spot comic has an account already. Another
option comes from Jeff Kidd of Deep Fried
Comics, who have offered me a board on their site.
Their boards do look spiffy, but you have to go through
the process of making a new account again. Of course, the
third option is to stay with EZBoard and simply make a
new category on the main page.
Now, I could be overreacting. Not EVERYONE who reads the
comic needs to post on my boards (though wouldn't that be
nice??). That, and I have made no attempt usher in new
people to the site, so maybe it's just really silent
around here anyway. We could just keep going the way it
is now, and I'd be happy. But it's up to you guys...
they're your forums. Voice your choice either by
voting or by e-mailing me:
I really
want to hear what people have to say about this. Please
respond.\\
Apparently my biggest draw (according to
the Keenspace logs) is from my fake ads page. Hence,
here's a small update with some new fake ads. Keep an eye
out. That is all.\\
11/7/01 Finally,
one-shot month!!
I am happy. With the next storyline, I can finally use my
one-shot comics I've been saving since September! Yeah, I
know I said that the Whose Line storyline was going to be
next, but nobody sent me any ideas, besides my siblings.
Sigh... I guess I'll put it on hold then.
I'm excited about these comics I've come up with over the
past few months anyway. This set of one-shots
will be different from usual: in the past, I had been
doing lots of cameos, cross-overs and parodies. This time
around, there's less of that and FINALLY more character
development. I'm hoping to work everyone into these
comics. Some of my goals will be:
-Dan the dog will begin to show a little of his canine
side. I'm afraid he's becoming more and more like a
little kid than a dog.
-New characters will come into play. I'd tell you more
about them, but hey, where's the suspense in that?
-Sofia will have more of a role in the comic. I feel I
haven't given her her true personality yet.
-More of everyone's favorite spastic turkey. :)
-Maybe a Captain I. & Prof. Pain comic. Maybe a Plot-hole
Boy comic.
-And if I can stretch it out to two months, I have some
holiday-themed comics ready to go (Along the line of
"Attack of the Christmas Light People", for
those in the know)
This is not to say there will be no special events. Hey,
if anyone wants to do a cross-over or something neat, let
me know by e-mailing me! Anyway, I have
high hopes for these comics. Hang on to your seats, folks!\\
Heads up, people:
only received ONE response to the whose line storyline.
Please, if you have a moment, send me a letter with your
favorite comics you'd like to see spoofed.
Last, be sure to come here on Wednesday for our Halloween
special! I'm thinking of taking a break from the story to
just have some Halloween fun. What will I post? Well,
come back on the 31st and you'll see, dearies.
Mwahahahahahaaaaaaa!\\
got an e-mail from a reader of ours (wait... since when
do we have readers?!), and he told me that the color
comics were great, but they took way too long to load
over a 56k modem. Point taken! 300k is too large for a
comic any day, and with the recent comics, the size was
almost a whole meg! Well, I learn from my mistakes.
Today, I converted the whole archive to speedy PNG
format, and if the following conversion chart says
anything, it's that these comics should load up a whole
lot faster:
Strip # |
Old format |
PNG format |
202-H |
380 KB |
80 KB |
202-G |
666 KB |
141 KB |
202-C |
464 KB |
88.7 KB |
105-B |
428 KB |
101 KB |
Cool, huh? And you probably won't see too
much difference between the new and the old, since PNG
has cool compression methods that don't mess around with
the images. I've shrunk the whole 15 MB archive down to 4.5
MB. Well, hope that helps out, Mike. I'm going to go now
and figure out where all these new readers are coming
Oh... wait, there's more! Be sure to click on Dan
Carey up there and suggest some comic strip styles
and genres for the next storyline! Details are on the
following page!
And finally, Thought
I'd post something I've been working on. I was trying to
make 3D models of my characters, but they all looked like
that blocky old "Dire Straits" MTV video from
the 1980s (It's the only MTV video I have commited to
memory other than Weird Al). So I just said, aw, I'll
make Dan like that. And this happened. Obscure enough for you? \\
Twice Weekly
an experiment, but I'm going to try to do two comics a
week, one on Wednesday, and one on Saturday. The upside
to this is that I won't have to rush the storylines so
much; they can flow at a somewhat normal pace. The
downside is, well, the image quality will probably go
down (no more photorealistic Battlebots comics for a
while, folks). It's 1:09 AM right now, I am as tired as
can be, but I just finished two comics for this week.
We'll see how long this lasts. Enjoy.
Oh, and because of this, the re-colorization of older
comics will be postponed. Sorry.\\
Urban Renewal
City is about to get a little more colorful! Starting
with this update, I'm going to try to add one or two new,
re-colored comic strips to the archive with every update.
Hopefully, we'll have the whole archive in color soon. So
why am I doing this? Well, since all the new comics are
in color, new readers might not enjoy the black and white
comics in the archive as much. Plus, this way, I'll be
able to get exsisting readers to go back over the archive
again. Heh, I love being tricky like that... So check the
list to the right from now on for these updates.
Other updates: I've finally posted Rockerbot's cameo-tribute
comic in the art section, and I've updated nearly every
page on the site. Be sure to see the new Bios page!\\
I'm glad to see the results to the poll: an overwhelming
number of you want to keep the story as it is. All right!
I'm also glad to see that there are now 15 of you guys
out there (or possible fewer if someone decided to vote
from a second computer)!! Welcome! Feel free to drop me a
line... let me know what you think of my comic strip!
Like anything I do, it's an always-improving experiment,
and it needs your input to make it better.
Next week, I should have a new Bios page ready, so be
sure to look out for that. Nothing else is too new to
mention, other than the new posting "levels" in
the forums, and the addition of episode 202 to the comic
dropdown. As a few of you have noticed, we've recently
made the switch to color. I think this is a good move,
but the only downside to color is that, if I ever wanted
to publish my comics in, say, book form (who knows...),
it would be very expensive. But I'll figure something out...
don't worry. Color just looks too good to go back to
black and white. I've considered re-coloring some old
comics, too. We'll see what the future holds.
Anyway, if you have anything you'd like to say, just join
the info forum or drop me an e-mail!
Thanks for voting!\\
Return and a Poll
back, BPC fans! The hiatus is over! Woo! And it only
lasted, what, one or two weeks? Sure, college life is
tough, but I've adjusted enough to allow a comic or two
to be drawn durring the week. So, as they say, on with
the show!
Yet, what a show it is. In light of the recent news, I
admit that a story about a malfunctioning "war droid"
seems like it's in bad taste. I don't want to give away
the plot, but, although storyline is tame right now, it
is going to escalate over the next few weeks (today's
comic is a taste of what's coming). This is a superhero
comic strip, so naturally there will be action,
adventure, and the occasional act of violence. While
nothing in this comic strip will ever compare to the
tragety seen earlier this week, I understand if a robot
saying "Destroy" doesn't make anyone laugh
right now. The plot won't involve anythin MAJOR, but even
a far-fetched rampage might not sit well with some people.So I'm
asking YOU, the reader, to help me make a decision:
Should I stick with this current storyline, where a
malfunctioning robot causes trouble for Breakpoint City?
Or should I put this story aside for a little while, and
begin a new, tamer episode? (one that relies more on wit
than action)
worry: even if I continue with 202: Mechanical Man, I
will make extremely sure
that it is in good taste and does not in any way relate
to these terrorist acts. Keep in mind that this is a
cartoon, and the character saying "Destroy" is
a goofy looking 1950s robot, something right out of a B-Movie.
I ask you to voice your opinion right now... the future
of Breakpoint is at stake!\\
The Game
worry folks. Today's comic is the last mega-cameo we're
doing for a while. Anyway, on to the news:
Do you like video games? Do you remeber the old days of
the NES, when Mario and Mega Man were at their peak of
popularity? If the answer is yes, then you should head on
over to the forums for a really cool
announcement about a future BPC video game!
The comic strip itself is currently entering a new
episode about (what else) robots. Hope you like it! Oh,
and on 8/8, we had a cameo in Anxiety Cafe (our first!).
Joyous times all around!
Be sure to check out Eskimo Bob, too. He eats raw
fish.\\
7/14/01 El
too new to announce. The art, links, and about section
have been updated over the week, so if you haven't
already checked them out, you can now.
What I like about doing these one-shot comic strips is
that I can experiment a little with my comic's universe.
I'm trying out some new ideas, developing some of my
characters, and all the while still having fun! As many
of you are aware, I'm trying out a few visual gags in the
backgrounds of my comic strips. So far, the response to
these gags are good, and I'm planning on adding a few to
each episode from now on.
I'd also like to participate in some more web-events for
this month's comics, (like MST3Keen), but nobody has
announced any. Oh well. I'm hoping to get in at least one
cameo this month, but I'm still unsure of whom should get
the BPC treatment...
That's all for now! Go check out the forums!\\
6/30/01 Breakpoint City Turns One!
Today's the Day!! Today,
Breakpoint City has been on the web for an entire year!
Of course, you could argue that my six months on Tripod
don't count, but as far as I'm concerned, I accomplished
everything I wanted to do with this first year.
Originally launching with five comics and to a very
narrow audience of friends, Breakpoint City evolved from
a summer pass-time to a school project. I feel that I've
had a very successful year, gaining a small but
supportive fan base, and drawing what I think are very
funny comics. I'd like to take a moment and thank a whole
bunch of people for helping me through this past year (many
of whom I've already thanked, but I'm gonna thank 'em
-Thanks to Matt Milligan, Thomas K. Dye, D.J.
Coffman, and Steve Troop, all professional web-cartoonists
I've e-mailed for advice, help, and participation.
Specifically, Mr. Dye and Mr. Milligan for their plugging
of my site on their main page. And Mr. Coffman for
agreeing to draw me an April Fools comic, even if nobody
else was going to. Thanks!!
-Thanks to my friends, Mark, Troy, Adam, Monica,
Nick, and Seth for providing me with many years
of laughs, and for inspiring me to develop my own twisted
sense of humor.
-Thanks to Matt Poletti, perhaps my #1
fan, for supporting my comic strip every step of the way.
Oh yeah, and for preventing me from making some really
dumb spelling mistakes.
-And thanks to you, the reader,
for coming!
So what's coming up within the next year? Well, first,
I'm beginning work on a total site redesign. The site
would be something more futuristic and more orange,
complete with new and updated sections, such as character
bios and Ben's evolution over several years. Secondly,
I'm developing some special Vitalize! online games, which
are still on the drawing board right now. Finally and
most importantly, I'm working on Season 2 of Breakpoint
City. New characters, new plots, and new ways for the
audience to participate are all in the works. Above all,
though, I want to further develop some of our main
characters who haven't had their fair time in the
spotlight yet. Next week, 201 will begin, which again
will be a series of one-shot comics and specials. So,
thank you for coming over the past year, and here's to
the future of Breakpoint City!\\ 6/23/01 Fan
have got some fan art! WOOOOO! Go check out the art
page NOW! Thanks go out to Shay Caron and Matt Poletti
for the art!! I also drew a "revenge" pic for
Shay, which can also be seen in the art section.
In other news, the FAQ and
About sections are updated. Go see them.
I'll be out this weekend, so if you write me something in
the forum, don't expect an answer until Monday. Hehehe...
:) \\
6/18/01 100% on Senior Project:
Thanks Everyone!
the results are in for my Senior Project, and after
typing up 5 billion pages of required assignments,
drawing three months worth of comics, and completing all
three components of the project, I can officially say it
was perfect. My paper: 100%! My Project (as reviewed by
five randomly selected judges): 100%! My presentation to
the judges: 100%! I have an extremely rare perfect
project! And on such a goofball topic like cartooning
even! I'm speechless.
I'd like to thank everyone I've e-mailed for help with my
project, DJ Coffman, Matt Milligan, Steve Troop, Thomas K.
Dye, and many others. I'd also like to thank YOU, the
reader, for coming. I'm thrilled to get any readers I
can, and reading your reactions to my work made this
project very interesting and fun. THANKS EVERYONE!
Okay, now down to business. If you check your calendars,
you'll notice that Breakpoint City is turning one
year old on the 30th! I'm planning tons of neat
stuff that will hopefully be ready by then, so be sure to
stick around for the festivities! Have any suggestions?
Feel free to send them to me!\\
6/2/01 Thought I'd Post Some News:
Hey folks! As of
today, my High School career is over! Woooooo!
I'm changing a few thing on the main page. Apparently,
this webpage looks awful in Netscape 5. Let me know if
you see any problems, Netscape users! I'm also planning a
total revamp of the site soon, with more futuristic-style
graphics. But that's for later in the summer.
I know the voting tubes are probably finished now, but
since I'm terribly lazy right now, I'm giving them one
final week. I'm trying out a new polling service for next
time. It's one of those nifty kinds of polls where the
results are shown on the same page. Cool? I think so.\\
5/14/01 Waiting is the Hardest Part (part ii)
whaddaya know; it's not entirely my fault we're extremley
late this weekend. Turns out Keenspace had a large server
problem throughout Saturday and Sunday, so NOBODY had
their comic strip update. Hmm. So, while it's my fault
that BPC didn't update Saturday Morning (see below), it's
not my fault that you didn't see it until today.
Right? Right.\\
5/12/01 Waiting is the Hardest Part
We're late AGAIN. But before you have any second thoughts
about Breakpoint City, let me clear up this situation:
It's the final month of High School. Finals,
presentations, projects, automatically piloted
submarines; these are all things I have to worry about
right now. I just got my senior project presentation
underway, and by the end of Friday, I was in no mood to
draw a comic strip. Plus, I still was in a HUGE fit of
writers block. This is no ordinary writer's block: I have
ideas for several new storylines, but I just can't
execute them correctly with funny jokes and a logical
ending. Despite the block, and after several hours of
debate, I decided to just go ahead and get the Mizkit
storyline out of the way. I'm just going to let this one
run and see what happens. So here I go, ready or not!
As for future lateness, don't be surprised if this
happens once or twice again between now and the end of
May. Right now, my first priority is school, and that
means my comic may have to suffer every now and then. But
don't worry... summer is right around the corner, and I
have a few cool surprises in store for you guys... \\
4/28/01 I'm
Slowly Taking over Keenspot
well, well. What a week! If you're just tuning in, you
may remember that I paid a little tribute to one Matt
Milligan of Lost and Found Inv. Then, around Wednesday,
he schocks the heck out of me by writing a PAGE LONG PLUG
on his main site! Now, I knew I might get a little plug
from him if I did that cameo, but I never expected a page-long
speil! So thanks, Matt!
It's so rare that I get a chance to sound egotisitcal,
but... wow! Two Keenspot sites have pluged me within the
timespan of a month! I'm on FIRE (and I don't mean that
Of course, as ironic as it may seem, I have no comic to
post for my new readers. This week just didn't work out
with me, what with all the papers I've been writing, and
I have been creativley dried up for the moment. But rest
assured, new readers, that this is the first
time I have ever delayed a post. This
isn't a regular feature of BPC.
I am currently writing a story that introduces our evil
characters, Dr. Mizkit, but writing an action-packed
storyline isn't quite my style. I'm trying to write
around this hurdle, but results are looking grim. I
always promise to present to you the best material I can
write, and until it's 100% perfect, it ain't going on my
page. So stay tuned. I may have something up by
Wednesday, I hope. Cross your fingers.\\
4/21/01 MST
Aftermath and Other news...
it's over. MST3Keen has come and gone (sniffle), but I
thought the whole event went rather well. Sure, Satellite
News didn't plug us; sure, Keenspot didn't put us in the
newsbox; sure, Superosity forgot to draw a comic for the
event; the point is that WE, the Keenspace public, were
in charge, and well over 20 comic strips ended up with
Mike, Joel, and the bots sometime during those last three
days. And hey, at least Newshounds did an actual, real,
non-synthetic comic for us! So it wasn't a total failure,
people! I had fun, and I'm sure everyone else did!
Haikeebas to everyone!
Speaking of Newshounds, Mr. Dye sent me
a very nice letter over the weekend! Thanks for the
support! Saddly, I'm retiring NH from the spotlight box
for now, but I've added his comic to my must see list.
This comic marks my three-month anniversary of posting on
Keenspace, which means that I am officially DONE
WITH MY SENIOR PROJECT! YEAH! Of course, now I have to
present my comic to a board of judges, but that shouldn't
be too hard. I think.
Finally, I've added a whole bunch of new stuff with
today's upload. New Voting Tube (see right), a whole
year's worth of award-winning (boy, I love saying that)
Seneca Scout editorial cartoons on the Mayhem page, and
tons of new link buttons on the links page! Have fun!\\
4/14/01 MST3Keen...
the maddness begins
after a month of waiting, my awesome tribute to the
world's funniest show is ready! Welcome to MST3Keen,
a collaboration of 20+ webcomics around the internet!
Check out this link to see who's being MSTied!
Thanks to everyone who helped this idea grow from a mere
post to a huge success:
Dan Frioli of Kan Kong for hosting, Rockerbot27 and John Troutman for support, Chris Crosby for further promotion and
support, and all the rest for joining us!
In further news, Rockerbot has informed me that I am
linked on the front page of Newshounds! HOW ON EARTH DID
THAT HAPPEN?! Wow... I'm speechless! Mr. Dye, if you're
reading this, send me a line!!\\
4/7/01 So
we're late. Whatever.
Yes, yes. I
was out of town; but after eating several fast-food
meals, it gave me an idea for a comic :) Anyway, the
results are in for the tubes, and.... Dan and Tacky are
still joint winners! You'll be seeing more of them in
future comics, so stay tuned!
This month, we're doing one-shot comics that don't
revolove around a set story line. This is the final
official month for my Senior Project, but don't worry
folks. I'll still be around after April is through.
That's all for now!\\
4/1/01 APRIL
FOOLS! Plus, a new look! |
Hey Everyone! April fools!
I was really lucky to join up with DJ Coffman (who draws
the hyper-cool comic Gravity) for the annual April Fool's swap.
If you haven't yet seen his comic, you really owe it to
yourself to check it out. It's one of the most enjoyable
comics on Keenspace, and has that neat professional look
to it that other comics seem to lack. Just don't go
around calling it a Jetsons clone, or you'll be in
trouble :) Anyway, thanks to DJ for being my partner with
the event. It's really interesting to see how other
people interpret my comic!
Oh yeah, we've got a new
look. I took out those horrible 20 X 20 buttons and
replaced them with larger, more descriptive ones. I heard
somebody comment that the front page looked a lot like a
NASCAR; plastered with ads and banners. Okay, so maybe he
didn't use THAT analogy, but I tried to clean up the
front as best as I could! We've added a Mayhem section,
that basically will be everything that I couldn't fit
into the other pages. It's not much now, but it will be
soon. Take a look if you DARE!
Finally, the Voting Tubes are in a dead heat between
Tacky and Dan! I'll determine the winner on Monday night,
but after that, the poll will still be open in the Voting
Tubes section. Thanks for your input!\\
I bet you thought this was the end of 103, like I
said last week. Well it's not. One last joke, then your
April storyline can begin. So there.
Anyway, what a week, with MST3K weekend (MST3Keen) being
taken over by the very nice people at Kan Kong, and with about
5 billion people signing on to boot. Yea!\\
I bet you thought this was the end of 103, like I
said last week. Well it's not. One last joke, then your
April storyline can begin. So there.
Anyway, what a week, with MST3K weekend (MST3Keen) being
taken over by the very nice people at Kan Kong, and with about
5 billion people signing on to boot. Yea!\\
Ah yes, the depression comic. No, I'm not that
unhappy that nobody visits our site, just venting a
little. You know, that voting thing up there has only two
votes on it so far. And one of them was my vote.
So PLEASE!! vote now. It'll just take a second.
In other news, I'm begining what will be known as MST3K
Weekend, this April 14-16. Check out the link for
more information and how your comic can
Tech problems seem to be fixed. I had the indextemplate
in the wrong directory, which resulted in this site
reverting back to it's March 3rd form. All three of you
out there can breate free now, our site is fixed!
I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm angry, whining, etc. over
my lack of readers. It makes for a few jokes, though.
Anyway, 103 wraps up next week, and then it's on to
April, a month of one-shot jokes, and *maybe* some bonus
updates durring the week! Oh boy!\\
And like THAT; the ads and tubes are up! Wow!
I feel bad for stealing from Gravity like this, but their
poll was such a universally good idea: find out which
character the people like! So please, even if you are
only a casual reader of the strip, ROCK THE VOTE! Your
opinion matters here at BPC, unlike some other
comics that trample all over your opinions.
Anyhoo; enjoy the 17 fake ads, the new comic, etc. etc.
Oh, and by the way, I was currious if anyone despises the
ezboard we have. Not too many people go onto it anymore;
I have the feeling that the readers may prefer a "UBB",
like everyone else has. E-mail me if you have anything to
say 'bout it.\\
What an update! Hopefully, you'll be able to see a
little "Insider Info" box at the bottom of the
comics in the archive. I always wanted little text blurbs
under my comics, and thanks to some reading in the KS
forus, it looks like I actually can with all the
automation hoo-ha going on 'round here. Keep in mind text
blurbs aren't under every comic; you'll need to browse
the arcives again to find out which have what! Hehe, I
love how I can trick people into reading my comic over
and over again.
Next step: get those fake ads and the voting tubes up and
running!\\
I fell to the pressure. I took down the Anime stuff
in the background. Not because anyone complained, mind
you, but because they really weren't my drawings or
characters. I want this comic to be somewhat legally
safe, so I'm doing whatever I can to keep it that way.
Too bad... I thought it was funny\\
Okay, okay. Calm down. I know it's late, but my
internet connection has been extremly bad in the past few
days, preving me from even accessing any webpage.
However, I finally am able to connect and submit. Sorry.
Oh, and by the way, I consider it to be an honor to be
featured on MST3K, so hold your fire, please :) \\
It's my 18th birthday, and to celebrate, I'm going
to write a huge English paper! Bliss! Oh, and I suppose
this means you want something too, eh? Well, I just so
happened to polish the bios section with more accurate
data and cool new pictures. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll
be enjoying my day off infront of a computer screen...
typing... *sigh*\\
Wow, where to begin?! Thanks to everyone who visited
my site last week because of my plea in the forums. It
takes a big fool to make a big fool of himself, but hey,
it seemed to draw in an auidence. Particularly, I gained
some new cartoonist-type friends, who deserve some
DJ Coffman, the mind behind Gravity, has taken
interest in the site. His comic has also begun within the
past month, and he's already in the papers. It's a great
read, and I can almost bet that if you like Breakpoint,
you'll like Gravity. Hey DJ, I'd love to do a cameo! Drop
me a line!
Next, I ran into a little comic called, well, Comic! (actually, it's now
Merlin's Crew)!, which particularly got my attention
because a few of his characters look alot like my
characters. Nothing can scare a cartoonist more than
finding another cartoon that looks exactly like
their work. Actually, it's a really good comic, and it
updates more often than I do. So, if you're into my
bizzare art style, check out Merlin's Crew durring the
Last, and this is the only time I'm gonna do this, ever:
someone e-mailed me, wishing to trade links for their
site. Now, I understand promotion is king on the
internet, but I will not regualrly post links simply
because people e-mail me. I kinda like to know the
cartoonist's work a little better before I post a link.
I'd much rather get an e-mail from somebody inviting
me to their site, not hoping for an instant link.
However, this site really deserves such a link: dadarama.com by Emmanuel Marshall. It's kinda
like the Far Side, but with animation and brail and off-beat
stuff, and... well, just go see it. Gary Larson would be
Wow, this is the longest post I've ever done. Thanks to
all the guys in the forums for support! I'm really glad I
jumped into this whole Keenspace thing!\\
Yeah, I've jumped onto the bandwagon today. And no,
it's not because I'm doing a strip about Suvivor. I
finally bit the bullet and joined BigPanda. So click on
the link above to get this rinky-dink site up there on
the main page! Also, check out the art section for a new
image. We're starting a new storyline next week, so keep
your eyes peeled! \\
I'm sorry I did that, Steve. Can you tell I'm
desperate for visitors? I'm thinking of joining Big Panda
to drive in a few more people, but until then, I guess
I'll stick to illegeal bootleg cameos! Wahoo! Oh, and I
changed this page so it's faster to load. You can thank
me later... :D\\
Well, Kleenspace is up (or so to speak). This is a
new ring of comics on Keenspace that won't constantly
swear at you, so be sure to give them all a look. I thing
I'll be updating on Saturdays from now on; it's just
easier for my schedule. I ask all my readers to at least
post something in the forums... good, bad, nonsensical,
you name it! You don't need to sign up to post (for now...),
and it's FREE! Till next week, BPCers! \\
Happy 21st Century! Welcome, Keenspacers! This is
the official launch date; we're off of Tripod and finally
in the public eye! So... um...
Oh, right. An explanation. Breakpoint City is a new Sci-Fi
comic about about Ben, a geeky time-traveler turned
superhero. Will he survive his new career? Can he keep up
with future technology? Will our comic ever turn a
profit?! Tune in to Breakpoint City to find out! I'd love
to hear any comments about our fine comic, so drop me a
line!\\
And it's over! Thanks to everyone who's helped me
maintain my sanity with this here webcomic: Matt, Monica,
Mark, Troy, Adam, Pat, Jen, and to my enitre family,
Thanks a million! It begins all over again next month
with 102: Moving In! Due to an unexpected burst in
wealth, Ben and Dan are off to buy a sub-terrainian home!
Of course, they can't help but buy a few hundered
futuristic gizmos along the way! It's a non-adventuresome
comic that will be a great way to get all my new readers
caught up.
I've sent in an aplication for Keenspace, and we'll soon
be joining the comuntiy! The site itself will most likley
experience a few transformations, due to the nifty auto-load
script that they hand out to new members. When we're
ready to move, I'll give you all your fair waning to get
offa this site :)
Happy New Year, everyone!\\
Sorry if this is a weak comic... but it's just one
step forward towards the end. We should be nearing the
end of the episode by the end of the year, and then,
ladies and gentlemen, we'll be going weekly! Horray!!!\\
I'm a cartoon making machine!! If you didn't join us
in time last Wednesday,
I feel sorry for you. We've updated twice over the
weekend, and we might update once again before Tuesday! I
want to get this cruddy intro over with so we can move
onto more serious things, like... well, looking forward
into schedule, the plots aren't going to be very serious
at all. Oh well, we're nearing the end! The light at the
end of the tunnel is near, and we can soon look forward
Big thanks to Matt Milligan of Lost and found
Investegations for e-mailing me back, even though he was
heavily preoccupied with other things. Hey, if anyone can
understand being tied up, it's me. Like, what is this,
the sixth time I've delayed posting a comic strip?
Anyway, look for an update soon with the responses from
these two cartoonists.\\
(Tacky Turkey just turned 6 years old!) Wow; where to begin??? I've
just written a few very talented web-cartoonists, and the
resposne so far is very postive! Thanks to Steve
Troop (Mellonpool) for all the kind words and
great advice. Thanks to Matt Milligan, who is still
trying to contact me through e-mail, but has expressed
interest on his site. I am really shocked to find that
you guys actually responded to my questions! Thanks for
the support, and here's to a future of great cartoons\\