Reasons unknown, geeky Benjamin Megawatt packed away all his belongings, constructed a time machine, and traveled into the distant future. But an accident along the way transformed him into a supercharged, electricity-conducting hero. Now, together with Sofia, he defends Breakpoint City using his scientific talents and keen eye for invention.
Ben is smart, but doesn’t have a lot of “smarts...” Dan and Sofia are constantly saving his bacon. He’s taken to the future like a fish to water, fascinated by new technology. Despite his discovery of time travel, the scientific community has yet to take him seriously... his only accepted patent so far is for an animatronic dancing squirrel. |
Dan is Ben’s spastic pet dog, still adjusting to life in the future. Dan is a dreamer: he’s always seeking the fame and adoration he believes he deserves, but is too cowardly to actually obtain such things. He does have a sense of adventure however, and if the situation is right, he'll follow his friends into the fray. Dan is especially envious of Ben’s superpowers, and has acquired his own, lame power in spite. |
Befriending Ben and Dan from day one, Sofia is their guide to the world of tomorrow. As a professional superheroine, Sofia is keeps our boys in check when trouble is afoot. Sofia’s psionic (not psychic!) powers enable her to utilize that extra 1% of her mind to dish out some major pain. Sofia wants to make a name for herself in the heroic circles, though her thirst for adventure often lands everyone in deep trouble. |
Milo Schroedinger
Has decided to be Dan's new friend. Even though he drives him nuts with his better-than-thou attitude. |
Tack "Tacky" Turkey
Owner and manager of the Breakpoint City Cafe, friend of Dan. Also one of the author's first cartoon characters, created way back in 1993. |
Dr. Ebenezer Mizkit
Brilliant scientist driven mad by allegations of ripping off other inventors. Ben's token arch-nemesis.
Dr. Mizkit's pet dog. Can't stand his owner; thinks he'd be the better supervillian. Does a mean "Al from Quantum Leap" impression.
Master Plan
THE most feared bounty hunter in the universe; programmed to never lose the trail of his mark. Rumored to be incapacitated after being shot into the sun.
Mort the Eggplant
Seriously, what's this guy's deal? |